Current Developments
Vancouver Island Real Estate
Our Realtors & Designers Empower Home Sellers, Buyers, Builders And Developers To Achieve Their roperties Highest Potential.
End To End Development Services
We believe collaboration is key and that great things happen when people share ideas. The most successful projects begin with selecting the right people for your project team. We’ve been part of some amazing teams and are always excited to share what we’ve learned from those experiences. If you have a development in the works or one you’re considering don’t hesitate to reach out to discuss the opportunity further or inquire about our past Development experience to see if we can be of help.
250.240.7584 |
Most projects begin with a back of the napkin analysis of the opportunities and feasibility of proposed development. This is a less polished but critical step in analyzing a properties opportunities and challenges, with an eye on the financial feasibility to determine the best opportunities.
This is where the creativity starts flowing. We look at the style, character and living experience that will differentiate your project, while keeping in mind the most likely buyer profiles.
In the marketing stage we dig a lot deeper and take an in depth look at the buyer profile, product type, product mix, price points, absorption rates along with other critical details to develop the ideal product offering.
We have decades of experience in product design and collaborate closely on home design, interior design and landscape design.
We help create memorable and identifiable brands for our developments that appeal to our ideal purchaser and form the foundation of our communication and sales strategies moving forward.
We compliment the product and buyer experience through our home staging. We own one of the most extensive collections of home staging inventory on Vancouver Island. Our in-house staging team curates, supplies and installs all of our show home environments specific to the product and purchaser profile.
Our Realtors are experts in new home sales and have a long track record of producing exceptional sales results.
Past Developments
You Can Change Your Life, By Changing Where You Live
Our Realtors & Designers Empower Home Buyers To Live Better Through Real Estate.